J. Kelly Hoey is a networking expert and author of Build Your Dream Network: Forging Powerful Relationships In A Hyper-Connected World. Kelly is a highly regarded speaker and coach, and she puts a lot of great information into the world to help career- and entrepreneurial-minded women succeed.
That’s why I’m so excited to share her review of Become the Fire. Kelly really got the book’s message, and she shared her thoughts on it with her community:
Become The Fire: Transform Life’s Chaos into Business and Personal Success by Elisa A. Schmitz (Novato, California, New World Library 2022)
“Why you should read it: You’re overlooked and underestimated. You have a hard time imagining, with your background and circumstances, that you’ll ever achieve anything satisfying let alone your wildly improbable goals. If that sounds like you…read this book. It is a self-confidence boost for anyone who is feeling over-looked, under-estimated, whose pedigree is not up to snuff or a ‘cultural fit’ (according to…the voice in your head or some jerk who is overlooking and underestimating you). Burn up the stories you’ve been telling yourself about your possibilities with Elisa’s wisdom and fuel up to take a new path to success.”

Kelly offers a modern approach to networking, “an essential career and business (dare we say life?) skill together with practical strategies on how to connect for success in our social media age.” As she writes, “It’s not who you know or what you know, it’s who knows what you know.”
Kelly has contributed to publications such as the New York Times, Inc. and Forbes, has been featured in Vogue and Real Simple, among others, and has been lauded by Fast Company and Business Insider. She is a speaker and she coaches individuals and teams on professional network-building and career-centered topics. Her Build Your Dream Network podcast offers up timeless networking tips that will benefit just about everyone.
Thank you, Kelly, for sharing Become the Fire with your community!
If you haven’t read the book yet, here’s how to get your copy of Become the Fire: Transform Life’s Chaos into Business and Personal Success.
You can visit my author website at ElisaSchmitz.com, and learn more about my book on achieving career and life success at BecomeTheFire.com. Inspire and be inspired at 30Seconds.com.

J. Kelly Hoey is a networking expert and author of Build Your Dream Network: Forging Powerful Relationships In A Hyper-Connected World. Kelly is a highly regarded speaker and coach, and she puts a lot of great information into the world to help career- and entrepreneurial-minded women succeed.
That’s why I’m so excited to share her review of Become the Fire. Kelly really got the book’s message, and she shared her thoughts on it with her community:
Become The Fire: Transform Life’s Chaos into Business and Personal Success by Elisa A. Schmitz (Novato, California, New World Library 2022)
“Why you should read it: You’re overlooked and underestimated. You have a hard time imagining, with your background and circumstances, that you’ll ever achieve anything satisfying let alone your wildly improbable goals. If that sounds like you…read this book. It is a self-confidence boost for anyone who is feeling over-looked, under-estimated, whose pedigree is not up to snuff or a ‘cultural fit’ (according to…the voice in your head or some jerk who is overlooking and underestimating you). Burn up the stories you’ve been telling yourself about your possibilities with Elisa’s wisdom and fuel up to take a new path to success.”

Kelly offers a modern approach to networking, “an essential career and business (dare we say life?) skill together with practical strategies on how to connect for success in our social media age.” As she writes, “It’s not who you know or what you know, it’s who knows what you know.”
Kelly has contributed to publications such as the New York Times, Inc. and Forbes, has been featured in Vogue and Real Simple, among others, and has been lauded by Fast Company and Business Insider. She is a speaker and she coaches individuals and teams on professional network-building and career-centered topics. Her Build Your Dream Network podcast offers up timeless networking tips that will benefit just about everyone.
Thank you, Kelly, for sharing Become the Fire with your community!
If you haven’t read the book yet, here’s how to get your copy of Become the Fire: Transform Life’s Chaos into Business and Personal Success.
You can visit my author website at ElisaSchmitz.com, and learn more about my book on achieving career and life success at BecomeTheFire.com. Inspire and be inspired at 30Seconds.com.