Entrepreneurs: Stop Worrying About Waves; Ride Them One at a Time

Entrepreneurs, learn to ride the waves, one at a time.

For entrepreneurs, there are many times when life can feel overwhelming. The challenges of running a household along with a business, in addition to being the best parents and partners we can be, can feel like too much to handle on any given day. And that’s if everything is going smoothly.

Then there are those times when life throws you a curveball. While I try not to be surprised by surprises (since they tend to happen on a daily basis), they often upset the precarious apple cart of life. Just when you thought you had it all balanced, something happens to throw everything off course.

What helps me is to think of life as a series of waves; surges that are going to just keep coming. Some may be big and some small, but they are relentless. Waves can be soothing or they can be unsettling. The way they present themselves in your life is a matter of your mindset. Re-frame your thinking so you’re not worried about the waves. You know they’re coming, so let them come. Instead of fighting them or resisting them, the key is to ride them – one at a time.

Go with the flow of the waves in your life as best as you can. Inhale. Exhale. Keep breathing steadily and let the feel of your measured breath calm you. Take each wave as it comes, catch your breath and prepare for the next one. Because, it is surely coming. You can do this. We all can, and we must.

Posted in

Elisa Schmitz



Entrepreneurs: Stop Worrying About Waves; Ride Them One at a Time

Entrepreneurs, learn to ride the waves, one at a time.

For entrepreneurs, there are many times when life can feel overwhelming. The challenges of running a household along with a business, in addition to being the best parents and partners we can be, can feel like too much to handle on any given day. And that’s if everything is going smoothly.

Then there are those times when life throws you a curveball. While I try not to be surprised by surprises (since they tend to happen on a daily basis), they often upset the precarious apple cart of life. Just when you thought you had it all balanced, something happens to throw everything off course.

What helps me is to think of life as a series of waves; surges that are going to just keep coming. Some may be big and some small, but they are relentless. Waves can be soothing or they can be unsettling. The way they present themselves in your life is a matter of your mindset. Re-frame your thinking so you’re not worried about the waves. You know they’re coming, so let them come. Instead of fighting them or resisting them, the key is to ride them – one at a time.

Go with the flow of the waves in your life as best as you can. Inhale. Exhale. Keep breathing steadily and let the feel of your measured breath calm you. Take each wave as it comes, catch your breath and prepare for the next one. Because, it is surely coming. You can do this. We all can, and we must.

Posted in

Elisa Schmitz

